![]() CDs & LPs FOR SALE Steph Gray, daughter of deceased Wagner Society member Royston Palmer, has contacted the Society with the news that she is selling off his vast collection of music CDs and LPs, which are in excellent condition and include a substantial range of Wagner items. These will be made available to interested members at a cost of $4.00 per CD or $7.00 per LP plus postage; multiple-disc issues will be sold at the above rates per individual disc in the issue (e.g., $8.00 for a double CD issue). If any members are potentially interested in making a purchase, please send enquiries to Peter Rowe at peter.rowe2000@gmail.com for further details, including catalogues of items for sale.
The Wagner Society of New Zealand is an incorporated society of approximately
400 members sharing a common interest in the life, works and influence
of Richard Wagner (1813-1883), conductor, critic, designer, writer, inventor
of music drama, and composer of some of the greatest music ever written.
The Wagner Society of New Zealand was established and incorporated in June 1994. Founded originally in Auckland, the Society now also has branches in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. The Wagner Society of New Zealand is affiliated to the worldwide network of Wagner Societies and aims to extend knowledge and appreciation of the life and works of Richard Wagner, his times, his artistic contemporaries, and his successors. Members can find more information about the The International Association of Wagner Societies by clicking here. Through activity and performances associated with this aim, it is hoped to bring about greater musical enjoyment of Wagnerian music-drama and a deeper understanding and appreciation of the ideas that brought it to birth as a unique type of art, from which we can still draw much that is of great value today. The Society also believes in the long-lasting values of musical understanding and enjoyment amongst nations, and aims to promote these in its own region, and in partnership with all the countries covered by the world's Wagner Societies. Regular meetings and newsletters keep members in touch with each other, and there are frequent opportunities to share performances of Wagner's music, "live" when possible, and in recorded presentations. The Society also encourages interest in all aspects of Wagner's music by other musical organisations. As with other Wagner Societies, the WSNZ acts as a focus for information regarding travel and the obtaining of tickets for various Wagner-related musical and dramatic festivalsl. From time to time, the Society also arranges its own travel parties and study-tours to such events. If you are interested in joining the Society then click here for further information. New Constitution The Wagner Society of New Zealand is incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. It is proposed to replace this ancient legislation with a new Act. At the Society's AGM on 13 June 2021 the Society approved a new Constitution that complies with the proposed new Act. This new Constitution can be viewed by clicking here. The new Constitution makes the changes that will be required by the new Act when it is passed, but apart from that, the objectives, activities and governance structure are substantially the same as contained in the present Rules.