Meeting Schedules

Below you will find details of metings in Auckland over the course of the year. If you need further information about any of our meetings please contact the Auckland meeting co-ordinator, details of which can be found on the Contact page.


Sunday, 11 February at 2.00pm
St Heliers Community Centre
100 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers
Q&A with Giordano Bellincampi
Music Director of the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra talks to Heath Lees.
Sunday, 7 April at 2.00pm
St Heliers Community Centre
100 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers
DVD Screening
A full screening of Das Liebesverbot, introduced by Heath Lees.
Sunday, 19 May at 2.00pm
St Heliers Community Centre
100 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers
Formals and Informals
The Wagner Society’s AGM, to be followed by a full-length presentation as below:

Richard Wagner and The Spirit of Ancient Greek Tragedy
Scott Bezett, Masters in both Classical Music (Voice) and Classics, presents in conversazione with Terence Dennis the origins of Greek classical drama and its influence on the development of opera, and upon Richard Wagner in his writings on Music Drama, and especially in the dramatic concept of the tetralogy, Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Sunday, 28 July at 2.00pm
St Heliers Community Centre
100 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers

Talk by Antony Ernst
A presentation on Parsifal, to be given by Antony Ernst.

Saturday, 20 October at 1.30pm
St Heliers Community Centre
100 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers
DVD Screening
A full screening of Parsifal, and a catered dinner.
Sunday, 8 December at 2.00pm
St Heliers Community Centre
100 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers
Christmas Festivities
The celebratory end to the year: a Wagner ‘potpourri’, cake and wine.