Archived Newsletters

Archived newsletters are available back to 2002. The newsletters for 2016 are listed below. For other years' newsletters please click on one of the links to the left. To return to the list for the current year's newsletters click here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: copies of prior years' newsletters are no longer available online. If you would like a copy of a particular newsletter please click on the date you require to email us with your request.


November 2016 (Vol 13 No. 2)  
- Bayreuth - Melbourne - Sydney
- Johan Botha - 1965-2016
- "If this is Tuesday it must be Siegfried"
- Wagner Murmurs
- Opera North Ring - Leeds, May 2016
- 2016 Programme
- New members
- The Ring, The Rhine, and the Reality

August 2016 (Vol 13 No. 1)  
- Bayreuth - Opera and Drama
- Pam Hall - Obituary
- Alberto Remedios 1935-2016
- Heath Lees - Ring Day Lectures
- New Nose for Richard Wagner
- The Rinse Cycle
- 2016 Programme
- Wagner Murmurs
- Distant Beloved - German Song-Cycles and Lieder
- WSNZ to Re-Join Verband
- Upstaging Wagner

April 2016 (Vol 12 No. 10)  
- WSNZ creates three Honorary Life Members
- AGM - 6 May
- Membership Renewals
- WW2 Knicker Spy
- Wagner Murmurs
- 2016 Programme
- Simon sings Siegfried
- Whither Bayreuth?
- AGM - Persident's Report 2015

February 2016 (Vol 12 No. 9)  
- Ch-Ch-Ch Changes
- Bayreuth Tickets
- Wagner Murmurs
- Fun with Wagner
- Nicholas Lehnhoff 1939-2015
- 2016 Programme
- Taking Opera's Temperature


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